Monday, June 29, 2009

Bite me!

I haven't really decided if it looks like I'm biting the 360 or trying to kiss it, but I can tell you I am trying to bite it. I am extremely fond of my consoles but there is a limit ;)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


We had an idea of putting the consoles in situations and places where they usually are not, in daily situations common to life such as going to work and whatever we could think of. Since most of our ideas included not so much rain than the day we took the last set of picture could offer we couldn't try all the things we wanted. I'm not particularly fond of this one but I think you get the general idea. As soon as the weather and everything else allows us we will continue working on these ideas and hopefully get some more great pictures!

Monday, June 22, 2009


Except for my obvious interest in console games, I'm also crazy about clothes and shoes (what can you say, I just counted and found that I have more than 50 dresses in my wardrobe *shaking my head*). Anyway, back to the subject, here I am wearing my beatiful white suit and holding my wii, can you be anything but happy in this situation? =)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Golden shoes

And a pair of legs and a ps3 to go with that!

Diamonds are a girl's best friend

And this is one of my diamonds ;)
Thanks to Åsa for photographing and also for lending me her jewelry!

Monday, June 15, 2009


As promised, the 360 controllers. You gotta love the colours!

The rain

After two days of standing outside in the rain listening to music at the "Where the Action is" festival here in Stockholm, me and Åsa decided to stay inside and continue this project. But the rain continued as you can see.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Back to me

Here is another one where I am holding the psp and you can see a little more of my face. You can also see a little bit of the photographer, whose name you should know by now, reflected on the psp if you look closely.

Tower of games

It kinda looks like the gameboy games are floating in the air on this picture. A lot of gold stars to those of you who can name all the games ;)

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Now I leave the ps3 console for a while and step over to the world of Nintendo! I really like this picture of my wiimotes and nunchukes, and it is of course also hanging on my wall, beside a picture of my two 360 controllers, which I will show to you another day.

As always, Åsa Johansson it the photographer!

The shadow

Here is a nice close up on my ps3 and this one is hanging as a 50X70 cm enlargement on my living room wall. The person you see reflected on the ps3's beatiful piano black surface is of course me.

Friday, June 5, 2009


The last one in this serie is this one where I'm sleeping with my ps3, can you imagine a better way to spend the day in bed? ;)

As always, it is the lovely Åsa Johansson who is the photographer!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Black & white

Here's a black and white version in the same serie as the picture from yesterday. Those of you who knows me recognize this one as my facebook profile picture. =)
You can see the ps3 a little bit better and the Playstation logo is somewhat more visible and bigger.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The next one

And the first one in a serie.

Since the ps3 is such a sexy and cuddly console, what better way to portray it than with my arms around it in bed =D. And yes, my eyes are that blue it's the rest that is rather colorless!

And again, thanks to Åsa Johansson who is the photographer and of course also picture-editor!

Monday, June 1, 2009

The beginning

A couple of months ago, when I was eagerly waiting to move in to my new apartment I started thinking of what kind of art work I wanted to put on my walls. I'm not very fond of the generic kind you buy at Ikea or similar places, I wanted something more personal. I wanted people to be able to see who I am and what I like just by walking around in my apartment. That's when I got the brilliant idea to take pictures of the things I care about, my interests and hobbies (ie console games), and put those pictures on the walls.

Conveniently enough, my best friend is an excellent photographer so I of course asked here if she would do me the honors of taking the pictures for me. By now, I have moved in to my apartment, and the first set of pictures are done and are hanging on my walls. Since I've got so many compliments and many more "you should start a blog and put the pictures there too"-comments, I am doing just that! Here is the first picture I want to share with you:

And many more will follow!

Special thanks goes to Åsa Johansson who is the photographer who made all of this possible.