Monday, July 6, 2009

Guitar Hero theme week!

Since we got so many great picture from yesterdays session I thought I would try a Guitar Hero theme week, which I kind of already started yesterday. The clothes and the guitar are the same on every picture but the location and position change so the pictures are still very different. You can all tell me which one is your favorite at the end of the week! =)

I said yesterday that I would publish my competition contribution, but I decided I will wait with that one a few days. Instead I give you this crazy picture with a lot of action going on.

1 comment:

  1. Hola =)
    Hello !!! =)
    Bonjour !!! =)
    Ciao !!! =)

    Pase por este blog, espero tu visita, gracias
    I passed to this blog, if you want, viist my blog, thanks

    I love video games
