Tuesday, June 23, 2009


We had an idea of putting the consoles in situations and places where they usually are not, in daily situations common to life such as going to work and whatever we could think of. Since most of our ideas included not so much rain than the day we took the last set of picture could offer we couldn't try all the things we wanted. I'm not particularly fond of this one but I think you get the general idea. As soon as the weather and everything else allows us we will continue working on these ideas and hopefully get some more great pictures!


  1. The photo is nice but it's hard to see what point your'e trying to make. Is the box replacing a suitcase? is that the general idea? If it's not then I have no idea what that photo is trying to convey. They usually quite clear.

  2. Jag håller med, det är därför jag sa att jag inte är så väldigt förtjust i den här bilden. Dock har du rätt i att tanken är att kartongen ska vara istället för en väska. Förhoppningsvis kommer dessa idéer att funka bättre utomhus men vi får se. Vissa idéer låter bra på pappret men blir inte alls bra när man försöker förverkliga dom. Men alla synpunkter och idéer är mycket välkomna. We keep on trying! =D

  3. Either Asa's a really great photographer, or ConsoleGirl is dead Georges..
    Probably Both..
